Friday, March 30, 2007

Sampson fails to 'thread the needle'

While the mainstream media waited breathlessly over the last few days for the appearance of Kyle Sampson, formerly Alberto Gonzales chief aide, there was a lot of speculation over what role his testimony might play and whether and how soon Gonzales would be, as they say, GONE-zales.

The Bull Moose has always thought, though, that Sampson was merely a lone hoplite and Gonzales just a flunky for Bush's brain -- Karl Rove.

Someone wondered whether Sampson would successfully 'thread the needle' with his testimony. TBM was drawn to the metaphor, probably because as a child his grandmother taught him to use a darning egg to mend his socks, which meant learning how to thread a needle. Threading one is not that easy without one of those little gizmos that cheat, but the reward is that once threaded, one can pull a much thicker thread through.

Hence the image of Sampson making way for Gonzales and others to escape danger.

Sampson failed. In fact, he looked like a sheep being led to slaughter. Remember, many of these Senators have been prosecutors themselves at some point in their careers.

In any event, the BIG CHEESE, as TBM has always held is Karl Rove. And he is the one that needs to be got on the hot seat. (See my "The Monica in Bush's Future" elsewhere.)

In that, I'm with Jim and Teddy.

James Farmer, Jr., the Star-Ledger columnist and Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, that is.

See what they have to say below.

-- Dan Damon, TBM

Rove Role
Sampson Testimony
The Firings
Politico: "Republicans Fear 2008 Meltdown"


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